Thursday, December 28, 2006

"I don't care how good the movie is.

Nothing is gonna make me breathe less."

That was the first thing Andrew said to me after watching "An Inconvenient Truth : A Global Warning". Because you see I immediately opened my DVD player, extracted the DVD an handed it to Andrew with the insistence that he watch it RIGHT NOW. Then I raved for twenty minutes.

I'm planning "An Inconvenient Party" for later this month. Everyone is welcome, and there WILL BE DRINKING AND PRIZES!!! I just gotta settle on a date and get some finances together for prizes and such.

I'd like to make a very special VIP invitation to the following folks, due to some contribution they can make to the community or to the other guests at the party. Mike Smith, our Green Party representative this past election or another member of the Green Party from the area (as I know Mike lives quite a way here); any member of a current sitting local government (Province of Saskatchewan, any member of the Weyburn City Council, or even a member of parliament) or a representative of any recognized political party; My good friends Corey Morrissette and his lovely wife Laura (that should cover much of local media, but any other local or regional press including BLOGGERS are welcome (Saskboy, been to Weyburn lately?) as well as local business owners), Jeff and any of his fellow teachers, and any and all of my friends and family past, present and future. I'll try and get a date up in the next couple days, and we'll go from there, but I definately want to hear from all interested parties.


  1. Easter day! can't get much more inconvienent than that!

  2. Your a fartknocker.

    PS Thanksfor the Herpes dickhead. Enjoy the Christmas log i leave on your step, and on your van, and on your dog, and on your brother.

  3. Seriously dude you need to stop telling my gf that I gave you herpes because you gave me herpes. Bunghole.

  4. Ask your gf is she had anything to do with my Dad when he was in the Pasqua for his knew knee. Guy in his 50's. telling sexually perverted jokes. That should be about all she needs to know. If you wanna know more ask me.

  5. Anonymous4:46 pm

    Jer, I'll be there just give me notice ... FYI it's Matt not Mike ;)

  6. I put Mike because I'm a retard.
