Monday, December 18, 2006

Give the Green Party a Voice!

As most people who follow politics likely know, the Green Party has been rallying the major networks to allow them a spot in the leaders debate in the national elections. The Bloc Quebecois was allowed a spot in the first election it participated in, yet the Green Party has never been allowed a voice in this debate, despite growing support nation-wide.

I encourage my readers to read more on the subject at a website erected by the Green Party. Even if you do not support the values of the Green Party, you might support the values of democracy and feel they deserve a voice. Read up, and if you think this situation is as unfair as I do, please fill out their e-mail petition which is sent to many of the bigwigs that make the decisions in such matters.

Remember, democracy is about more than voting, so participate!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:26 am

    Hey Pilot ... you won the gaydar button from the RGS Poem competition...

    Please email me your address so I can send it out to you.
