Tuesday, November 21, 2006

What to get Pilot for Christmas / Housewarming

Ok so I've had some family/girfriends ask me what I want for Chirstmas this year (I was kidding about the housewarming... tho I do have an idea for that one, but that's for another post... another day... and it won't cost you a thing). Well I've decided as part of the Jeremy Getting His Fucking Life Together Project that I'd like to have a home that doesn't look like every college apartment crammed into a 100 square foot area anymore. I want a comfortable clean living room, a great kitchen, a bathroom with a shower mat and a bedroom that doesn't include a sleeping bag as one of my bed covers.

Now I'm not saying that I haven't had some nice stuff especially after I graduated, but the move coming up will be move number 13 or 14 since I graduated in 1999. That's like 2 moves a year. Fuck. But you know how moving is, stuff gets broken or lost or stolen and on THREE SEPARATE OCCASIONS transferred to an alternate dimension (fucking stargate).

So to start, I'm gonna work on the kitchen, because I love to cook and I want to get into it more. I've got links for alot of it because I'm going for a "look" for most of this stuff. I do plan to put up the financing for most of it myself, but I'll wait until after Christmas to make any purchases and I'll update the list in June just before my birthday. In July. On the 15th. (nudge nudge)

Ahh the Kitchen - My Home away from home.

I love to cook and frankly of late my kitchen is composed of crap, shit and broken crap. The only thing that works to spec in my kitchen is my garlic press. So we're gonna start there.
As you can see it's unpolished stainless steel with black highlights. I'll add to that scheme clear glass and white plastic and we've got a start. So here's what I need :

- Casserole dishes - in sizes ranging from those small personal ones to a good sized family
- Rectangular Cake Dish - Smaller Square One and a Bigger Rectangular One
- Pie Dish
- Bowls - Three or four sizes - small to large
- Graded Measuring Cups
-Cookie Sheets
-Pizza Pans
-Roasters (Small and Medium)
- Good Set of Pots and Pans (very low on the priority list... please don't worry about gifting this one).
- A good set of knives - Cleaver, paring knife, chef knife, bread knife... you get the picture... a set with a wood block. If it can fit the colour scheme, that would kick ass.
- A large spice rack
- Cutting Board (black plastic and/or white plastic. I'd prefer two one in each colour-matching)
- Set of about 10-15 small glass oil bottles. (matching the spice rack would be smashing)
- Utensil Set (spoon, ladle, spatula etc)
- Set of silicone spatulas
- Medium sized and small whisk
- Can opener
- Set of measuring cups and spoons
- One of those spinning things that you put utensils in (black or stainless steel)
- Barware - wine glasses, table glasses, everything. Again, this is low priority right now and I might just pick it all up myself at once so it matches.
- Dinnerware - Plates and utensils. I'm liking black and stainless steel here. Something funky yet male. Seriously no fucking flowers.
- Storage containers... Rubbermaid - Tupperware whatever... any sizes, small to large (remember white and clear if possible)
- Canisters - I have four in white and clear for my pastas and rice. I wouldn't mind a set for coffee, flour, sugar and such. I'm thinking I might just take care of this one myself as I've already started the set and I know how large and how many I need.


Well I don't expect the plumbed fridge and gas stove to come, so I won't ask. But there are a few mid-range items that perhaps some rich people might feel generous enough to buy for me. In reality I'm just writing them down so I remember for myself.

- Stand mixer
- Coffee Maker
- Toaster (big one guys.. I used to have two, now I have none)
- Food Processor
- Slow Cooker
- Popcorn Air Popper

Anyways that's a good start. I'll probably fill most of it in myself. I'm gonna work on my room, living room, studio and bathroom too, but you people aren't that interested I'm sure. I can do it m'self.

Peace y'all!


  1. Oh yeah, I was going to ask you...

    Do you want your toaster back??

  2. Anonymous11:35 pm

    What you don't want a blow up sheep?? I thought I knew you.
