Monday, November 27, 2006

It's my party and I'll cancell if I I want to...

So about a month ago my good pal Kristie brought up the need for our "group" of friends needing to get together over the holidays for a party. I volunteered knowing full well that my ex would need to be invited to the shindig. I wasn't happy with the idea, but sometimes it's time to move on right?

Well now I'm looking at the situation and I'm wondering whether I should bother at all. In addition to the fact that I and Shawna are going to be uncomfortable there will be no less than 4 other uncomfortable pairings at the party should everyone show up. Not to mention the presence of an increasingly divided group and a change in the morals of everyone as we divide, and I'm not sure the party will be a good idea.

Plus I have to wake up at 8 the next morning for Christmas at my grandparents.

The bottom line really is, does anyone really want to do this, and is it a good idea? I know I want to see everyone that's down and maybe some social time with Shawna will help me let go. But I know this party is gonna have a lot of divided groups and the house really isn't very big.

So what is a guy to do?


  1. I say screw the house party lets just set a place and time at a bar and those who want to show can show. Someone can write down or record what is said at the gathering and can be posted on your blog. Then if a Broadway producer looks at your site he will decide it's the best drama in the past decade and decide to buy the rights to it. And turn it into....WEYBURN THE MUSICAL!

  2. Anonymous5:28 pm

    Weyburn is crappy enough thank you very much. We don't need a musical starting up about a bunch of queers drinking beers on a friday night. As usual with you fuck wads. So in otherwords, invite me man, invite me.

  3. By the way: Dave I would love a Firefly party give me your e-mail address.
