Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Secret Lives of Bloggers - Digital Duality

Pretty fancy title there eh? Sounds like a dissertation or something.

But what I'm gonna discuss is secret blogs. For sometime, I've contemplated starting a secret blog or blogs... sort of have Pilot's World as my censored, kid friendly, mom friendly blog, then have all the crazy shit I do on another blog. I know people do do this, some have invited me to these alternate blogs, others have eluded to them, but never forked over a link... probably wise as this blog is read by dozens of people.

I had also considered making a blog with clearances based on cookies, then I realized how lazy I was and dropped that idea forthwith. It was all part of the plan for "Pilot's Universe" which would have been a fairly all inclusive blog/website. But I never really got the gumption to do it and instead just rearranged some of the graphics here.

ANYWAYS. What I'm trying to get at is. Do y'all have secret blogs? Do you like them/use them? Do you find a greater readership because you're more honest on that blog or is it just a good place to vent. I don't want to know where the blog is or what it's about... that would negate it being secret. But I am curious about this mysterious second life some lead on the net... and I want to hear about it!


  1. Anonymous12:08 pm

    You might want to check out the Grand Mother of all Secret Blogs at Read the archives, and glean how one blog shook the PR industry. (Luv ya Amanda!)

    For S&G {its a family board}, check out for a little local 'rage against the machine'.

  2. Oh, I definitely have secret blogs. I have three secret blogs and two addresses that I don't have blogs on yet, but I just have them so they're there and reserved for me.

    I have one that I haven't used much up to now, but will soon be starting to use really often. And the others I just use sporadically. And none of those blogs are public. So, I don't get comments on them. I use them as my "diaries" and my blog as a public blog. So, the stuff I don't want anyone to know is not going to be found on Hecticity, it's going to be elsewhere.

  3. Anonymous12:39 am

    I have a secret blog. I use it to vent. So It's not really leading a double life just hiding some personal shit. It's open to the public so if you can find it go for it. I'll give you a trillion gazallion dollars.

  4. I have one. I barely use it. Oh, actually I have two, but I barely use that one either. It's important one of them remain unlinked to my identity, due to safety since people reading it might literally harm me if they knew I was.

  5. Anonymous10:55 pm

    I got me one now and i'm damn proud of it... and glad i have it... its like a theripst~! LOL
