Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Renaissance Man

Lately I've pondered whether I could be a modern renaissance man. You know like Da Vinci, with my hands in a little of everything. I like music, webdesign... hell the internet in general, outdoor adventuring, photography, child pornography, Zima; a bunch of stuff. So is it possible in this time of the world to be that way?

Even Lisa is criticized on an episode of the Simpsons where she accused of being a "a buffet style intellectual, picking and nibbling until one day you're 48 and managing a Barnes and Noble" "a dilettante". The social acceptance of this kind of career is shaky at best.

But I really think that with work and time I could eventually come to afford working in music in a couple or 3 bands, doing photography for people, managing a small group of income bearing websites and just doing whatever else, selling child porn, sex and blood and whatnot.

I dunno, thoughts? Opinions? Criticisms?


  1. I think you're going to be a debt for the rest of your life living like that.

  2. Anonymous7:03 pm

    I think it could work if you manage the money properly and realize that there may be sometimes where you don't make any money and others where you make lots.

  3. Anonymous7:44 pm

    Hey that's what most of the great composers did, and some oft he greatest names in the Fine Arts in general, it's called living a Bohemian lifestyle, hell I'm doing it and making ends meet, barely but hey it's a hell of a lot more fun than one of those stuffy 9-5 office jobs!

  4. Anonymous11:44 pm

    All i have to say is if you want to succeed in life, quit basing your life on cartoon characters. Especially the Simpson's. Tho at least this time you picked Lisa. Oh and i'll bring back your child born next time i see you I swear this time.

  5. nothing wrong with being a working musician. I agree with your brother though, there's some serious budgeting to work on, and definately saving cash for when the hard times might come.
