Sunday, October 08, 2006

I'm too sexy for this blog... too sexy for this blog....

Hey all.

Jammed with Dave and Rob last night. Sorry Amanda... hope we didn't bore/offend you too much. Such is life with rock-star wannabees. Did a gagillion Linger covers, some old WMD, a Test Pilot song or two and some great Pink Floyd covers. I have a feeling I may have been witnessing the birth of Linger ver 4... "Electric Boogaloo".

Did some social networking on that nasty MySpace today. Hoping maybe a few people check it out and come to the show on the 27th at 10:00 PM (thanks Shanna!). For those of you who would like to keep up with the progress on the solo project, please visit It's just my MySpace account presently, but should be a new page by the end of the day.

Also bit the bullet and bought That's right, we've gone corporate. So you can update your bookmarks if you like, but the old addresses will remain operational until such time as I have to pay for them.


  1. Anonymous10:26 pm

    Just what the hell does being too sexy have to do with blogging about jammn with the boys? DUDE YOU CRACK ME UP!!! LMAO

  2. Anonymous11:51 pm

    I'm sure you'll do fine at your show on the 27th. Hopefully I can be there to watch and listen and learn. And to party afterwards. YEEHAW!!

  3. Anonymous5:20 pm

    Danny are you some kinda cowboy i missed seeing.... and jeremy i would come see you in concert... but only if i'm invited.... hehe... you know... seeing as you have to forgive me.... but it is true i did promise to behave my self.
