Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I Bought a Watch

Thought it would make me feel a bit better. I needed a watch, and so I bought one that had all sorts of features I knew I'd like (including a freaking FLASHLIGHT). Well, it's cool and handy and all, but I still feel like shit.

It's starting to affect my health a bit I think. I've been on this slump a solid 3 days now... if I still feel this way when I go to bed tommorrow, I'm gonna go see the doctor about some counselling or something, I'm just not coping with this right now.


  1. Anonymous8:55 pm

    you should buy umm a hooker then you can get laid. You really need to get laid. or counselling but the hooker would be much cheaper

  2. Anonymous10:45 pm

    so can just getting outta your own headspace...did you get mark's email about recording in winnipeg on the long weekend?

  3. I agree with Dave, don't let any doc put on any meds. I've experienced first hand when Laila went on pills, it fucked her up worse! Spirituality can help you out, faith and belief that things will get better. Also, have you considered talking to Davin about stuff. That guy is very insightful! I don't talk to him nearly enough.
