Thursday, April 13, 2006

There are a few things burning my asshole right now....

Ok first... the mothballing of the Renegades. Yes, it's a means to a long term solution for the troubles that have plagued the Ottawa team, but I've had my CFL schedule firmly magneted to my fridge since February and I really feel it's a total jack off that I have to print a new one and put it up... I mean what a waste of paper! Bastards.

Second... it seems not a week goes by that I don't read about the current Conservative government doing something I don't like. This is to be expected as I'm a pretty hardcore small "L" liberal. That said, the Harper government has been making a disturbing trend of controlling the freedom of speech and expression of members of the government and of public servants. I don't think I'm alone in thinking this is dangerous and not very democratic. So thank you Stephen Harper government for denying Canadians freedoms that I thought couldn't be denied. I've learned something... and guess what... Canadians have too... you're gonna have a hard fight next election bub.

Finally, a pet peeve. People come into the store on a daily basis, will see me serving a customer and instead of letting me finish the transaction will burst in and insist on me answering a question. This is so rude. It takes 2 mintues TOPS for me to perform a transaction here. If you can't wait in line for a minute, you've got you're priorities all fucked up. It's a movie store.. anything can wait... it's not like you've just shot yourself.


  1. What if they did just shot themselves? I guess that would be thier fault, it's when someone else shoots them.

  2. Yes, but they're also censoring public servants. Recently a scientist for Enviroment Canada relesed a fiction book on global warming and was forced by the Minister of the Environment to cancel all speaking arrangements for the promotion of the book.

    Also I'm pissed at the Envitonment minister for cancelling the one-tonne challenge.

  3. Anonymous5:21 pm

    Sounds like my little pookie needs a hug and tonite is friday *wink* *wink*
