Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I'm not too sure why,

but I've been playing guitar a LOT lately. Like between 3-6 hours PER DAY. For a while there I was lucky if I was getting that in a week. I'm not too sure why I've been on this kick. For the most part, I'm not working on anything for any of my other bands, I'm just playing. Sometimes my bass, sometimes my acoustic, but I'm definetly playing a lot of guitar. Maybe its the cange in jobs or the change in weather. Who knows.

But I'm very open for jamming.


  1. Anonymous6:11 pm

    Jamm would be good, I can only play one song the. "Nothing Else Matters"

  2. I can bring a kleenex box with some elastic bands and play that!!

  3. Blame it on spring and the warm weather! :)
