Thursday, April 20, 2006

I'm exhausted


Between switching my biological clock from night to morning, actually waking up at 4:30 AM, the poor/no sleep I got at my grandparents' house and the 2 hour walk to Souris Valley I just took with Bootsy, I'm ready to hit the hay. I beleive that were I to hit the sac right now, I'd enter a coma.

Riders : You got rid of Greene, got a new kicker and some other good decisions. I'm even beginning to understand whay you got rid of Holmes. I think this shakeup is just in time. Danny... keep sharp, we're still watching you.


  1. Anonymous5:34 pm

    Yeah maybe the rider will win more then 5 games this season. That's hoping for alot tho.

  2. Anonymous1:45 pm

    Hey Dave's still alive. Is this the real Dave. Do we have confirmation on the Dave.

  3. Anonymous4:41 pm

    dave's not here man...

  4. Anonymous5:49 pm

    He's gott abe here. I saw he commented on your site Rob. He's gotta be here I just know it.
