Saturday, March 04, 2006

Well I'm Just Gonna Be Sick

Jesus. So instead of a sustainable farm in a city, feeding what... 450 people, let's build a WAL MART. I mean CHRIST, gimme a fucking break.

Sorry I'm just sick of it all. Corporate America, thank-you for ruining the planet. I owe you.


  1. Anonymous9:56 pm

    The farm looks really cool on Google Earth, just two city blocks of green fields. Check it out if you can find it. It's bordered by Long Beach Ave. and South Alameda St. on the West and East respectively and East Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and 41st St. on the North and South respectively.

    Shame really. But what do you expect from that fucking cesspit of a city.

  2. Anonymous1:38 am

    No room for the little guy anymore.
    Farming isn't important, farmers only feed the world, Wal Mart benefits everyoe DUHHHWAOI!!
