Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Things Could be Worse

Well folks, the eye is doing well. No leads on jobs yet, but I think I'm gonna take this time and chance to put a little push forward for the business and rush a bit of it. I know Shanna will advise me of how unwise this is, but if I keep waiting, it'll never happen.

I'm gonna let everyone know what I'm up to with the business now as I can't keep it secret forever, and I'm about 5 days of solid work away from going live. I'm gonna build an environmental advice and activism webpage. Similar to the now defunct "The Pylon" that I had some hand in last year, this will concentrate on environmental issues. On the site I will also be selling environmentally friendly product as well as working on a local environmental consultation service. Then on from there.. but these two to start with. My only major hurdle right now to having it ready say this weekend is the domain name. I don't have a credit card, so I could be waiting a bit for a cheque to go through so I can set up the domain.

Another big reason I'm trying to rush this thing (beyond my impending under-employment) is that I will be doing some travelling in the next bit. Those travels will allow me ample time to pitch the site. I'll do some iron-transfer T-shirts to wear and a bunch of posters and stickers to put up everywhere... should really get the name around. Those of you who remember me from my band days will know that I'll stop at nothing to whore my product for free.

So stay tuned! I'm probably gonna post a picture of how cool and gross my eye is in the next couple days too. Then I'll reveal it, my company... Rechargeable Future.


  1. Anonymous5:18 pm

    Gimme a free shirt. I'll help you get your thinger going. We go both be whores. I always wanted to be sometging useful anyways.

  2. I can be a whore too.... not for you though, this comment is actually just unrelated and coincidental.

  3. shheesh now I have to be a whore all the time now? Sure, at first it was Friday to Saturday, now it's gimmie gimmie.... I will gladly wear your shirts and bumper stickers that say witty phases and the lot. I will be like a NAS car when you're done, well as close to a NAS car as Weyburn can have...

  4. You should make a shirt that says: "Environmentalism: Saying Fuck You to the Politicians!"

  5. Also, remember that I am going to Vancouver in may. If you want me to wear a shirt or somethning..I will buy one, but it'll have to be reaDy.

  6. That name is much better than that other one you had.
