Wednesday, March 29, 2006

So I've been thinking...

... of bringing a gun to work.

I don't want to shoot anyone or anything. Just something cool to play with when I'm bored. And for the respect.

Plus just think of the conversations that would be started;

"Ok, so you're renting "Out Cold" again, cool. Wanna see my gun?"
"Um you have a gun?"
"Yup, see" (pull out gun)
"Yeah... um... maybe I'll rent something else"
"Hey your choice man. I'll just sit here and polish my gun"

or imagine;
"Hi this is Jeremy from Movie Factory. You rented "Dreamer" Mr Danyluk and it's a week overdue. Could you get that back as soon as possible"
"Yeah sure, I'll see when I can get in"
"Ok, take your time, I'll just sit here polishing my gun"
"You have a gun"
"I'll be there in a minute"
"Hey cool"

Yep, a real conversation starter!

Man. I wonder where I can buy a gun in town.


  1. I can set you up with some nice peices.

  2. You can't even spell pieces, much less set him up with any.

  3. The co-op home center is the only place you can buy a gun in Weyburn

  4. Anonymous12:39 am

    Sounds like someone is almost as bored at work as I am. I got an idea start a blog page, wait a second..
    Just buy a pistol BB gun or something, more then half of the people in this town are too stupid to realize it aint gonna kill them.

  5. Anonymous12:56 am

    be careful jeremy, even saying the words bringing a gun to work will attract attention, did somebody say terrorist?

