Monday, February 06, 2006

You know what Job I couldn't do?

I couldn't be a bee keeper. Oh I've talked to a bee keeper and he claims it ain't no thang. Still... I shudder just thinking about it. Yee.

I hate bugs.

In other news, I feel totally out of it today. Not sure if it was bad sleep last night or what but I'm just bleh today. Thank God its a easy day at work. Just design posters and promotional stuff and be on my way.


And I got my copy of THUG fixed so I might be able to kick some ass in that tonight.


  1. Anonymous4:01 am

    Yeah or those dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark at you bees fly at you. Man I wouldn't be raising those dogs that's for sure. I hate bugs too. And British. Dammit those French people piss me off. Why don't they all just go back to Germany where they came from. YES I'm bored.

  2. Anonymous3:28 pm

    Underwater basket weaver. I can't even weave a basket above water, let alone do one underwater. Do they give you an oxygen tank or do you gotta resurface for air??

  3. Anonymous9:09 pm

    Your gay!! Jeremy
