Wednesday, February 01, 2006

New Passwords

I have been forsaken. After all the good times and humor I provided. Didn't I introduce you all on this blog? Dave has dazzled you all with suddenly meaningful awards ceremonies and the like, but the fact is, he doesn't even have links in his blog roll for 2 of the people he awarded prizes to. I do, and have had them since before the war.

Why I wonder if he even knows that Jeff has presented a secret weapon to the warring parties?

Besides, Jeff and Rhonda should have gotten cutest blogging couple.

In orderto beef up security during these times, I have recently changed my password. It was well overdue and since I've had someone I once trusted leave that circle of trust, I've felt it was important to change that. I found a great site that will tell you how good your password is

I was also introduced to a new service called Pandora. Basically you type in what kinds of bands and music you like, and it will create a radio station for you based on those preferemces. So forget about the war for a bit and enjoy some Then come back and bomb the hell out of Dave.


  1. Anonymous3:34 pm

    I aint on your blog roll am I. I just broke the tie. HA! And Dave I know your tricks. Cheater

  2. You are so on my blog roll.. look under blogs you will see Dan @ Ralph Wiggum... you've been there since you started your blog.

  3. Anonymous6:20 pm

    I know I am I was talking to Dave
