Monday, February 20, 2006

Help, Friends and a cute bee dog

Ok so Mr. Smith, a person I've spoken about in the past on this blog, has offered me some advice that was once offered me by another computer wise friend. Buy a crossover cable. So thanks to him. Gonna go see if I can get one tommorrow.

While on his site I found the Valentine to the right. Cute yes, but also, far out.

Been really working hard on this server, hoping to get it up. I've got a few new ideas that are pretty dependant on this server. One involves my top secret new business and the second involves some new interactivity features for our blogging circle. Forums, chat rooms, Aggregators (thanks Lance!) and ad free, cencorship free storage space. Must finish... server... now....


  1. No, you must finish the server 5 minutes ago...God! Idiot!

  2. Anonymous5:56 am

    HAHA That dog's in a bee costume. HAHA. But I agree with Pilon, your work is suffering to do too many cute fuzzy bee dressed animals in your life.

  3. I don't know if this is just on my computer...but that picture is to the LEFT.
