Sunday, February 05, 2006

Build me a server...

I've been giving serious thought over the past few weeks to building a server. I'm sure this is a project that I'm not gonna do overnight but I should get started. I'll need the following:

A box... a decent machine.. .say 1Ghz or faster, some decent amount of RAM and a fairly big hard drive.

A hub, although I might be able to make this work by setting my PC up to work off the server.

A Linux Distro I can customize to the task. I'm thinking Mandriva as I had used it in its Mandrake form and it worked well.

I already have a monitor, a keyboard and mouse, and and ethernet card, so I'm set in that department. Threw out alot of stuff I used to have that would have been nice for this, but oh well. Just gonna keep my eyes open for stuff... I might be able to make this happen for ridiculously cheap. I will probably be able to build the machine myself, so that's a bonus.

Then I can start hosting shit, without worrying about ads, limits or censoship (not that anything I've posted to date would be censored).

In other news, Rob offered me an SLR to borrow last night. I'm almost positive I'm gonna take him up on the offer. Infact I might just go out and buy one for myself. I've also heard there is a dark-room at the Art Center in town, so I might get into looking at that. I loved doing that type of photography when I was in Jr. High, I look forward to getting into it again.

Well Corey should be here in.... 1 minute... so I'm gonna jet.


  1. What the hell is an SLR????

  2. Guh! Single Lense Reflective. It's a camera. It uses film, this thing we had before digital. It was like a photosensitive tape that took images that could be transformed into paper images.

    Some foolish ones still think it is superior to Digital.
