Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Blogged out

Ok I'm not sure why, but i feel really blogged out lately. I pretty much know why, but it isn't that important, this is just a blog afterall. So I'll post some important things here and maybe I'll be on hiatus, maybe you'll see a post tommorrow. Now's a good time as the war is waning and I've got nothing huge on the horizon. Andrew and i are still trying to get some meth for our expose, so that will be coming in the not too distant future.

Here is my life right now in point form -
  • I got a call from Saskatoon today. I will be going in for my first eye surgery March 10. i'm stoked
  • Shanna has been kicking my ass to write a business plan. For what? It's a secret. But I've been working diligently.
  • Rob and Kat were down this weekend. Had a blast. Bootsy made Rob run.
  • I'm feeling lonely and I think I'm about ready to at least TRY dating again. Just need to find someone... yikes.
  • I've started working out again. The pain is unimagineable.
  • Andrew is very cool and did some of my laundry for me. He is awesome, I think I'll keep him around.


  1. Anonymous2:22 am

    Dude where do you find the time??

    PS You gay you gay hehe

  2. I expect to see results when I'm down on Saturday!!!!

  3. I mean Ya, I am cool.
