Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Yet MORE New Blogs

Gotta love the holiday times (weeks off, summer holidays). People have time to start blogs so they do. Well this one actually has nothing to do with the holidays. It has to do with the fact that my old buddy from the Inn is stuck back on nights at front desk. So I told him to start blogging. And start blogging he has. At the pace he's set, he'll lap me in blog posts in like .... 3 months.

Check out his site at Ralph Wiggum is My Hero (http://ralphwiggumdotcom.blog.com).

Another new site that I think has very little to do with holiday availiability is Lauras. Laura is one of my bosses at the Movie Factory and is a local celebrity. She does news on AM 1190. Thus instant celebrity. Anyhoo, Laura's blog has actually been up for a while, i just never really realized she was keeping up with it. But she is, so here's the link, Laura at The Life and Times of the Radio Girl.

And for Laura who likes looking at pictures of Bootsy, here's a picture of Bootsy .. . .

I swear I'll add all of ya to my blog roll soon....

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