Saturday, January 07, 2006


So I got this e-mail today about how terrible it is to have kids or something. Anyways the moral of the story is apparantly if you mix Clorox and break fluid, you can make a shitload of smoke.

Now this sounds like a fun thing to do with my Saturday off.

Any interested parties or people with ideas should send me a note or get ahold of me.

Also it seems I've been convinced I should put the SaskBlogs blog roll on my site. Now I'm all for cluttering up my blog more, but I just wish I could do it with a link. But I think its a good idea, and it gets me some promotion, so hell I'm gonna do it. Check out some of the quality sites to the right and have some fun with some Saskatchewan flair! Happy 100 Saskatchewan!


  1. hey jeremy, when you make the toxic smoke, make sure you lean in and take a big, deep, breath...

  2. thanks Kat (man hating bi... ) HI!

  3. Here's a cool thing...

    If you mix bleach and Sunlight (or I think any dishsoap) it makes Chlorine gas! I read it on a bleach bottle...or a Sunlight bottle, I don't remember which...there's a warning!! haha

