Saturday, January 28, 2006

SaskBlogs : Redux

So Lance of the Sask Blog Roll fame e-mailed me tonight asking for a pitch of the new Sask Blogs Aggregator. Since I neither know what an aggregator is, nor do I care, I'm gonna call it the Sask Blog Webpage. See how easy that was?

No but really, this is a great page and if I ever get the time, I'm gonna steal the code he uses there and set up a simmilar page for our little crew as the demand has been quite high from some in the peanut gallery.

So check out the page at"

Incidentally, my next post is #300 on Pilot's World. Booh Yah!


  1. Thanks smarty pants.

  2. Tee hee hee. Take some'll figure out aggregate real quick.
