Monday, December 19, 2005

Staff Picks Dec 20, 2005 and a new Blog announcement!

Well folks, I got my staff picks done early, so you're in luck, I'm lettin' you see e'm now instead of tommorrow. That's just the kinda guy I am this week.

Last weeks was pretty simple, some got the answer without even looking at the cases. The common link of course was that each movie had a WWF (WWE?) wrestler in it. Pretty simple if you're a wrestling fan. I'm not.

This weeks should be equally easy for y'all. I didn't even hafta use the computer to find this one. Thanks to SHanna for inspiring, but not choosing this theme.

The movies are;
Waiting for Guffman
Strange Brew and
American Pie 3 : AMerican Wedding

This week also marks the first time I've SEEN all the movies in my staff picks ironically.

And tommorrow I'll be announcing a new blog as well as officialy retiring two dead ones. I'm still working out the kinks on how to start this one, but I have someone willing to help me start.

1 comment:

  1. Hey...check out my blog

    As Ever,
