Saturday, December 03, 2005

Slacking at work...

That's a scary title seeing as how one of my bosses reads my blog. Hi Corey!

Anyhoo, sitting here reading trivia on movies, Stanley Kubrick ones mostly and it amazes me how someone who is so meticulous in his ways of filming acheived so many trademark shots through improv and ad-libbing. jack Nicholson's "Here's Johnny" and the drill seargeants rants in "Full Metal Jacket" are all unscripted. That shit's BANNANA'S SON!

Anyways, suppose I should say that Dave got my staff picks right, and no one yet has gotten Corey's.

Quel Dommage.

New picks coming Monday night!


  1. Quel Dommage?

    What the hell does that mean!?

    What is going on!?

    Good post!

