Thursday, December 22, 2005

Just when I though...

... I couldn't think of anything to blog about that didn't involve me bellyaching about how shitty my life is, Paul Schuck walks into the Movie Factory. Paul is the most hilarious person alive.

We had a breif chat, got kinda caught up, and yeah,... stuff. Anyways, he sent me to his webpage and I want to share it with you all here. Check out Paul at and laugh your ever-lovin' ass off. Paul if you read this, your website lacks a recording of Dead Puppies... so I officially hate you.

And apparantly it seems my life isn't controlled by blogging enough, Corey at work decided that my blog looked so cool that the store needed a blog. So the official Movie Factory website is in blog form. Check it out at My staff picks updates will now be moved over there as well as any movie reviews or clean store related commentary. Check it out often, we're still updating right now!

1 comment:

  1. He taught me swimming lessons!! OK, he didn't teach me anything, I could swim better than him. But he taught Andrew swimming lessons!!!

