Monday, November 21, 2005

Staff Picks - Nov 22, 05

SO most of you were able to figure out that the commonality of the 4 movies I had last week was Bill Murray.

This week will be a bit harder, but still pretty easy. The four movies on my staff picks are;

The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
All The Way (1998)
Oceans 11 (2001)
Guys and Dolls (1955)

There is also a bonus "Hint" movie, that will help considerably to guess the common link. But you'll have to come into the store and say hi to me to see the bonus movie. For those who think this is unfair, well nuts to you, this is just a game, you can't WIN anything.


  1. What a disappointing update!

    But hey, in less than a month, I'll be able to come in!! Cause I'll be home!


  2. Yes! I have to wait less than a month to see Jeremy's bonus movie... despite the fact he'll have changed it already by then... perhaps if I went back in time or something. Then again, I wouldn't go back in time to visit your smelly face.


  3. Anonymous6:20 pm

    They're all remakes.

    I'm in T.O. y'all, vacationing and promoting Kleinbottle's new EP on the side. I gave a copy to Buck 65 last night. He was happy to receive it as he has run out of music to listen to in the van. Who knows maybe he'll sample it on his next album.
