Thursday, November 03, 2005

A new blog for the List!

So yeah, Jeff's girlfriend, Rhonda has had a blog for a while and Jeff finally got it to me. Called Rescue Regina, so far I've read about her experiences at the halloween party i had to miss thanks to the fact that I work too much. the first MSN blog i have on the list, and I'm not sure I like the look. Of course they do offer many of the services I've had to gather elsewhere in once place, but I dunno... it just doesn't do it for me.

By the way Jeff, you're blog is getting out of date... nudge nudge.

Anyone wanna figure out my work situation for me? I'm sick and tired of going to the Inn.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:29 pm

    Why thank you, don't forget to tell the kids about my obsession with talking about Jeff in my blog, if you know what I mean.

    I also am a fan of underused phrases, like "it's so cold my nipples could cut glass", or "damn it's hot in here, if you know what I mean." Ask Jeff about where it all came from hahaha. Let's just say we watched some Who's line is it anyway... hahaha.
