Thursday, November 10, 2005

My Year as a Blogger

My sweet Jesus has it been a year already! Yup it looks like it. One year ago today I had a couple upcoming days off work and Shawna was going home, so I decided to start a blog and a group of webpages called Pilot's World.

I had made several earlier attempts at webpages and an earlier blog, but all to no avail. But this evening would be different. I would start it all, webpage and blog and everything. Little did I know that of all I would put together those days, the blog would become the center of it all. In fact although the independant start page has been eliminated at the moment, it has been under serious consideration to re-launch the Pilot's World main site (or portal?.. the "Airport"!) to act as a launching place for Pilot's World.

This week I'll be posting several "Pilot's World"-centric posts. Included will be "How I Learned to Blog", "History of Pilot's World - Year 1", "Friends of Pilot's World", "A Look Into the Destinations of Pilot's World", "The Future of Pilot's World"

With the exception of tommorrow when I'm going to post a Rememberance Day message, this week is devoted to that which is my online world. Please enjoy.


Soulfood said...

Well, congrats. Should be an interesting week.


The Navigator said...

I'll online your world

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

And you thought it would only last 3 days... Congratulations on breaking 364.25

To think all that time I've avoided the blog thing. Well, my time is coming I'm sure. Yes, there are tentative plans for a Bauche blog. Not yet put into any kind of timeframe. The format will be a bit different but I'm sure the blog police will still consider it a legitimate 'blog.' No further details available at this time.

Cheers to Pilot and his World

Anonymous said...

congratulations for another year wasted on the internet, if i didn't have this thing i wonder what i'd do...maybe watch movies and get inebriated...i guess there's always a balance of some sort...

Steven said...

Jeremy, happy belated blog-birth-day-blog-word-day-blogger-fest. Yeah...

Shanna, I claim this as my bit, you can't have it anymore.
