Monday, November 07, 2005

My magic number - 305.33

That's how many cans of Pepsi Cola it will take to kill me. This is an invaluable number to know as I am a cola addict and I may someday approach that vital overdose.'

This incredibly valuable service was provided to me by Energy Fiend, and I may someday be forever in their debt when I stop at 304 cans of Pepsi and say "NO! I'll die"

Better head over there yourself and find out how many drinks of your vice you can have before you die too.

Incidentally it would take 58.01 No-Doz Extra Strength to kill me. And also, Energy Fiend is a great little blog. He has an article on there about this energy drink called VPX Redline Fat Burner. Holy crap! Just a can could kill you! Wowzas!

1 comment:

  1. 568.75 Diet Pepsi

    However, I'm not totally sure of my weight, so that could be inaccurate.

