Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Election Stuff Again!

Hey all! Got a great bit of feedback from theat post a couple days ago, and hey I've started a discussion! Woo hoo!

So it seems most people think my idea of joining a party is a bit extreme in many cases, fine by me, politics is about not agreeing with people. I feel that people were re-stating something I thought I had said, and that was, do your research. So I'll say it again for clarity sake. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Please know what your opinions are and who best fits those opinions before making any choice in the election being it to vote, abstain from voting or joining a party.

Also a good point that was brought up by Shanna of all people about the Green Party and other small parties like that is that a vote for these parties is not a wasted vote. The more votes a party sees in an election, the more funding they get and the more likely they are to be included in things like the debate. I too proudly marked an X beside my Green Party candidate when I lived in La Ronge last year, but due to the absense of a candidate in my riding, I'll go with my next choice. Rob also makes a good point that much of joining a party is simply fundraising for that party, but I feel even by putting my measly $7 in, i'm making my vote more than an X, I'm helping my voice be heard, $7 more.

For those of you not as interested in making the big plunge to party membership or even dedication to an ideology, you undecided voters out there, I leave a good option. The CBC has an Election 2006 page with up to date news on the coming election. This page in conncetion with the webpages of the primary parties (NDP, Tories, Liberals, BQ) should be a good place to help you make a decision.

Finally, I'm gonna leave you with the wisdom of my father. Although alot of people have disagreed with this wisdom when I've presented it, I think it's good and it's my blog so I'm gonna say it dammit. If election day comes and you think that no party is good, and you want to vote for no one, show up to the polling station anyway. Get that little ballot and destroy it (generally by putting a black mark over all names). You will be exercising you right and responibility to the democratic process without contributing to a choice you don't beleive in. People fought and died years ago so we could have the freedom to vote, don't let your indecisiveness get in the way of exercising that freedom.

That's enough from this member of the peanut gallery... it's open for you guys now....


  1. Yes, I agree that you should go in and destroy the ballot. It makes a statement.

    No one has a reason to not vote. Law states that you must have 3 hours in which to vote. So, if polling stations are open from 8am-8pm and you work 10-6...then you can demand to come in an hour late or leave an hour earlier. Your employer MUST give you the time off to get to a polling station to vote.

    And if you have no way of getting there, call one of the parties! They'll arrange for a ride. Whether you're voting for them or not...these people are interested in the Democratic process and want to see people out and voting. And anyway, they'll never know whether you voted for them or not anyway, because it's all secret ballot!!!


  2. Ugh.... Dave, that is one quirk of yours I wish didn't existed...

    Also, I think I have the answer to Corey's picks. I believe Steven Spielberg directed all those... well, at least that's my guess... man I hope I'm right.

    sizqzu<--- Hee hee, what a word.


  3. We4ll shit, If you look at the last post I said speilberg too.

