Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Coming of the Apocalypse?

So i'm a little behind on this story, but last night it happned again, and it prompted me to get into gear on this one. Last night, HALLOWEEN night, we went to the bar and got some drinks. Back comes the bill and what was the total? $6.66. Been seeing that number all too often lately, and it has me concerned.

While we were there, Jeff also mentioned another Devil's Lunch from im Hortons. While he wasn't sure exactly what it was, he thought it included a dozen doughnuts and a Coke. If anyone tries this or any other combination of purchases that result in soe form of 666, send it along, we're gonna follow this story.

Steve and I discussed the problem a few weeks ago on MSN, the main part of the conversation went like this ;

12:45:10 PM
Steven Matthew Biss IV (Beware the Tendrils)
Pilot - Contest at Pilot's World
Okay, my friend, Johnny Cameron... I found out last night his BIRTHDAY is going to be on June 6th, 2006.... and he's turning 18, which is 6+6+6.
12:45:25 PM
Pilot - Contest at Pilot's World
Steven Matthew Biss IV (Beware the Tendrils)
oh sweet jesus!

While discussing these recent revelations with Andrew this afternoon, he mentioned that Johnny had found one at I think, 7-11, as well. John, if you remember what it was or have a scan or picture of the receipt... send her along to me...

So anyways this is turning into a real corker of a set of coincidences. So if anyone has any more instances of 666 appearing in their lives, send me the info at jeremy.pilon (at) gmail.com preferrably with a picture or scan of the instance. We'll be prepared for the coming at least... unlike those fucking naysayers like my girlfriend.


  1. OK, I was at work today and Kathy was making adjustments. And she was adjusting the debit for one day...and the amount it was off by was $6.66. I couldn't take a picture of it or anything cause I wouldn't be able to get it off our work computer. Sorry. But we have the story.

