Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Dead Like Me

One of my favourite shows to watch right now is Dead Like Me an hour long comedy about the life of a newly initiated grim reaper named George (fem.). It's a pretty great show and frankly I'd reccommend it to anyone.

In the show George is required to get a real job as being a grim reaper doesn't come with a salary. Her boss at the temp agency she works at is named Delores Herbig (as in "her big brown eyes"). At one point she gives George a holy rolling shitload of collating to do finishing with "I think collating is so Zen." I thought the statement was ridiculous until watching the show with Jeff one day and he commented that he agreed. It got me thinking about some of the mundane jobs I do that I would consider "Zen". For example ;

- Peeling potatoes
- Cleaning the grill at work
- Bagging bread (when I was at the bakery)
- Occasionally I will get it when cleaning a particularily difficult object, especially if its complex and needs to be taken apart and re-assembled.

Anybody got Zen projects of their own?

Delores Herbig thinks collating is very zen. I think peeling potatoes, bagging bread and cleaning a grill is very zen.


  1. I'm going to go with:

    -Playing Tetris
    -Reading a book - it uses your mind, but I'm able to block out absolutely everything else when I'm reading.

    I'm sure I'll think of more later.


  2. Anonymous11:37 pm

    cleaning the grill??? are you mad???

    -listening to music

  3. looking at art in a giant gallery...lots of beautiful distracting pics, so you have to either focus your mind, or just let it go....not sure if this is zen, but its an out of body experience
