Friday, September 23, 2005

Ladies and gentlemen...

I got a dog. Hells yes. So now this is gonna turn into one of those crappy cute blogs where I make a 3 page post everytime she takes a shit. Now that's devotion.

She's about a 1 year old beagle cross adopted from the Estevan Humane Society. Quiet, obedient and above all loves everyone. One of those dogs that would lick a robbers face and show them were the valuables are.

On the way home, my buddy Steve and I who came with me to adopt her came up with the perfect name. After P-Funk bass player and cool dude all the 'round, Bootsy Collins. So my new Pup's name is Bootsy. Bootsy is a good name becuase Bootsy the bass player kicks ass.

Pictures form the Saskatoon trip are now up at the Photo Lab, including pictures of the Torvaldson cube.


  1. Well, she is pretty cute. But now you can't move to Saskatoon and live with me because I don't do dogs :p haha. Anyway, have fun living with 2 bitches!!!! hahahaha. God, I'm going to die next time I see Michelle.


  2. YOu should photoshop the humans clothes onto the dog...It would be hilarious
