Thursday, August 11, 2005

Much to discuss

Well I have a few things to say, so hope you all are listening.

Firstly, I didn't think anyone would read all of that last post. Considering how many comments I got on it, I was wrong. Good to see you all think your fathers, grandfathers and minimum wage gas jockeys are good sources.

Second, I think I've solved my relationship problems. Some kind anonymous person sent me some phone numbers in my comments I can call to find singles in my area. Thanks alot asshole. That will be the first and last comment of it's type allowed on this page, so don't bother coming back.

Third, my old friend Rob has been keeping secrets. He has had a blog for about a month and never enlightened anyone to it. What's the point of blogging if no one reads it. So I'm gonna break his silence and give ya'll the in to his page. It's called Entheogens and artistic exploration and you can click here to check it out! Pretty cool page so far.

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