Wednesday, August 17, 2005

This site is certified 24% EVIL by the Gematriculator

Cool I guess.... more good than I expected tho.

So no new mice have been caught. I expected some controversy from posting a picture of a dead mouse, but the controversy got wasn't what I expected. Bravo my infallable readers, you've made me proud.

So I'm thinking I'd better drop off the prize from the Hires Root Beer Contest soon. Summer's almost over and i'm sure Steve would really like to have something cool to drink.

Well I better go get a Big Gulp and clean house before the sister and the girlfriend come over.

Please remember to pledge your support for breast cancer this week. Either drop off a pledge at my cousin Doré's page or by your simple clicks at the Breast Cancer Site.

Heck, I've even decided to pledge 5 bucks, if i can figure out how to pledge by cheque!


  1. Anonymous6:59 pm

    You better get cleaning!!! The train is due to come in around 10:50 the last I checked so I will be home probably after 1am....and there better not be any mice!!! I propose that at scotch fest we take up a collection of money for dore's walk and then we can just send it to her (that's what G&G are doing!). Also...good news...I've got KERPLUNK!!! This weekend will be a weekend to beat all weekends!!! woo hoo!!! See you in a few hours Jerm in my nice clean house!

  2. Michelle has my home address... You can send me the money and I will put a donation in the cousins' name. Thanks guys!! Love you!
