Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sorry Folks!

Ok, I know what you're saying... "PILOT THE RIDERS LOST YOUR HAT DOESN'T WORK! " Well here's the skinny. I was waterskiing and unable to wear the hat. I know. I got greedy. I should have been thinking of the team and not myself.

But I assure you that this Sunday.. I will wear the hat all day and during the game. We will beat Hamilton again!


  1. Anonymous8:53 am

    That's not what I was saying, I was saying, "The Riders lost, Paul McAllum's legs don't work". I know you can't blame the entire loss on him, but really... "choke"

  2. I agree. There's a difference between having a bad game and sucking. He's gone waaaay beyond having a bad game.
