Thursday, July 21, 2005

Holy Cow!

So back in May I started a post I thought would be funny. The premise was, it's been 15 years since they madea Rocky movie, it's about time for Rocky 6. So I just kinda let it gel there in my draft folder because I had no idea where to go with it.

Fast forward yesterday morning. My clock radio wakes me up to Bro Jake from Rock 101 in Vancouver. That we get a Vancouver radio station in La Ronge is a post in and of itself. Anyway, what would they be talking about but the fact that Sylvester Stallone will be doing a NEW ROCKY MOVIE! Well christ I thought 3 was alot, 4 was excessive and 5 was just a little overboard. A new Rocky movie and they won't even work on Ghostbusters 3. THE DAMN THING IS WRITTEN ALREADY PEOPLE.

Anyways. Been reading my input on this blog and others from the last couple days / week. Seems I've been a bit negative. Sorry folks, had a bad week and I guess my attempts at humour haven't really looked all that funny in retrospect. My apologies.

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