Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Happy 150th post to me!

SO this is my 150th post woo hoo! I'm not gonna do a big review of what I've done these past 150 posts, but you should be aware that I have made that many. I'm planning a big "Look Back" post for the 1 year anniversary in November.

I got a job at the Royal Hotel Bar working in the kitchen. Hopefully it will be a temporary move. I'm just not too hot on working split shifts again.

I've got a new friend named Abraham Taft who is looking to make a blog. When he gets it up, I'll post it here for all of y'all to see, I've been helping him with the template and getting it all set up. Sounds like he'll have a good time.


  1. Yeah...Abraham Taft. I wanna meet that guy! What a crazy name!!!

  2. Abraham Taft....I'll tell you the truth, he sounds like a fictional character Jeremy made....he just wanted to have something else other than his lame 150th post to write about....right!?

  3. Anonymous12:29 am

