Thursday, June 23, 2005

Overwhelmed - STILL

So it's really a big bomb going off. And as I was telling my friend Vanessa, I think I'm gonna hafta just sit alone in the silent dark for about two hours this weekend and just wrap my head around this. I think I'm gonna take a bit of a spiritual journey on the canoe trip and see if I can't put some direction on this spin.

Really I'm torn between short term temptations of good finances and wanting to be with Shawna again as soon as possible and the long term benefits of staying away, poor pay now for better pay later and being away from Shawna, but cementing my relationship.

If anyone understood that last pragraph, please explain it to me.

For something that makes sense visit The Pylon or even better join the Pylon Community at our Message Board.

By the way, Save Toby is/was a Hoax.

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