Wednesday, June 15, 2005


So here I am awake again at 1:30 in the morning on a work night. No matter how early I wake up, I still can't sleep at night lately, and the sleep I do get is very poor. I go through my days exhausted, then go to bed unable to even close my eyes.

On other notes, the canoe trip is planned and coming up fast. Had a big 7 person MSN chat on Sunday that was fun and finalised everything. I think I've talked to Rob on the phone more times in the past two weeks than I have total since high school. I'm working on getting a little journal together so I'll keep blogging on the river and upload it to here with plenty of pictures when I get back. I'm working on putting a little booklet together on eidble plants and such in the woods... maybe we can have a wild feast.

I'm gonna start planning for next years big camping trip. I want to go back to Spruce Woods next summer as it will be the 3 year anniversary of last time we went and the 6 year of the first time. In particular I want to go back and compare some sketches Mark made then with what might be there now... plus it's a cool place to go.

I'm planning on working on a few new projects tommorrow, among them, getting the Pylon up and running and starting yet another blog, this one dealing with working out a career path I want to pursue.

And I promise, I'll get that special "Google the Pope" article up soon.

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