Thursday, June 30, 2005


Well here it is, in 24 hours I will be up a creek... with only a backpack to sustain me. I'm pretty confident I'll be ok.

But where does that leave you, my loyal readers for a week? Well I wanted to post in the bush.. and if I someday get me a Blackberry, that will be a definite possiblity. But for now, I'm gonna leave the content to you guys. I'm gonna make a little survey about Canada and I want you'se guys to post comments answering it... should be interesting.

Ok so here it goes... give me your favourite ;

Canadian Band :
Canadian Movie :
Canadian Politician :
Canadian Beer :
Canadian Spirit (hard liquor) :
Canadian CFL Team (so no Sacramento's buttheads) :
Canadian NHL Team :
Canadian NBA Team (Trick Question) :
Canadian Bank :

Choose one of the choices offered :

Lloyd Robertson or Peter Mansbridge :
Grey Cup or Stanley Cup :
Canadiens or Maple Leafs :
CBC or CTV :
Hal Johnson or Joanne McLeod :
Liberal or PC or NDP or PQ or Communist (Shanna) or Socialist or Green or Marijuana or.... :
CPR or CNR :
Terry Fox or Rick Hansen :

And now for the essay questions :

Name your favourite thing about Canada :
Name your LEAST favourite thing about Canada :
Where were you when Donovan Bailey Beat Michael Johnston to solidify his claim as fastest man alive :
What is a Rouge :

Fill in the Blanks :
__________ Roughriders
__________ Rough Riders
__________ Hip
__________ Yo' Momma
__________ ____ _________ ___ _____________

Have FUN! See y'all next week!


  1. Canadian Band :
    Canadian Movie :
    Canadian Politician : Tommy Douglas
    Canadian Beer : Canadian
    Canadian Spirit (hard liquor) :
    Canadian CFL Team (so no Sacramento's buttheads) : Sask
    Canadian NHL Team : Leafs
    Canadian NBA Team (Trick Question) : Toronto
    Canadian Bank : Credit Union

    Lloyd Robertson or Peter Mansbridge : Lloyd
    Grey Cup or Stanley Cup : Grey
    Canadiens or Maple Leafs : Leafs
    CBC or CTV : CBC
    Hal Johnson or Joanne McLeod: Joanne
    Liberal or PC or NDP or PQ or Communist (Shanna) or Socialist or Green or Marijuana or.... : Liberal(although I must add that the theory behind communism is's putting it into practice that doesn't work)
    CPR or CNR : CPR
    Terry Fox or Rick Hansen : Terry

    And now for the essay questions :

    Name your favourite thing about Canada : It ain't the USA
    Name your LEAST favourite thing about Canada : It's second language is crappy French
    Where were you when Donovan Bailey Beat Michael Johnston to solidify his claim as fastest man alive :Beats the hell out of me
    What is a Rouge : A person who does whatever they want to, being it for the good or for the bad of a society, to further their own cause. They usually do not have allegiences to anyone but if they do it is very rare.

    Fill in the Blanks :
    Sask Roughriders
    Sask Rough Riders
    Pip Hip
    Fuck Yo' Momma
    Canada Day Fireworks Are Craptacular

  2. Ok, I figured out my Favorite band and Movie..the movie is Canadian Bacon and the Band is Sisivalant.

  3. Canadian Band : OLP / The Hip
    Canadian Movie : Cube
    Canadian Politician : Tommy Douglas
    Canadian Beer : Pilsner! Ha ha... kidding. Alexander Keith's Pale Ale
    Canadian Spirit (hard liquor) : Dunno.
    Canadian CFL Team : SK Riders
    Canadian NHL Team : Edm Oilers
    Canadian NBA Team : Meh.
    Canadian Bank : RBC

    Choose one of the choices offered :

    Lloyd Robertson or Peter Mansbridge : LR
    Grey Cup or Stanley Cup : Stanley
    Canadiens or Maple Leafs : Leafs
    CBC or CTV : Either.
    Hal Johnson or Joanne McLeod : Joanne's hot!
    Liberal or PC or NDP or PQ or Communist (Shanna) or Socialist or Green or Marijuana or.... : Usually, Liberal... Right now, I'm a big fan of Vancouver's civic Dance Party Party (I'm not kidding...
    CPR or CNR : CN
    Terry Fox or Rick Hansen : Fox

    And now for the essay questions :

    Name your favourite thing about Canada : Living here.
    Name your LEAST favourite thing about Canada : Current federal politics.
    Where were you when Donovan Bailey Beat Michael Johnston to solidify his claim as fastest man alive : Can't remember.
    What is a Rouge : Makeup, heh, it's a blush.

    Fill in the Blanks :
    Saskatchewan Roughriders
    Ottawa Rough Riders
    The Tragically Hip
    No... Yo' Momma!

  4. OMG!! You're back already!!!! I wasn't expecting you so soon, so I didn't do this yet. So here goes!!!

    Canadian Band : OLP, Simple Plan, Sum 41
    Canadian Movie : Men With Brooms
    Canadian Politician : I can't decide. For current politicians, I'm caught between Harper and Duceppe. From the past...I have no idea. Maybe JAM...he got a lot accomplished considering he was pissed-faced for most of his time.
    Canadian Beer : Yuck
    Canadian Spirit (hard liquor) : I hate no idea what alcohol I drink is Canadian...if it tastes good, it goes in my belly.
    Canadian CFL Team (so no Sacramento's buttheads) : Saskatchewan Roughriders
    Canadian NHL Team : None
    Canadian NBA Team (Trick Question) : Is there a team other than the Raptors??? Is that why it's a trick question?? Or is it trick because our NBA teams suck?
    Canadian Bank : I can't decide. Definitely not RBC. Probably a tie between CIBC and TD. But for investment purposes, I would go with BMO.

    Choose one of the choices offered :

    Lloyd Robertson or Peter Mansbridge : Definitely Peter...what's wrong with all of you!!!??
    Grey Cup or Stanley Cup : Grey Cup
    Canadiens or Maple Leafs : No opinion
    CBC or CTV : Depends. CBC has the Simpsons...but CTV has reality TV.
    Hal Johnson or Joanne McLeod : Defintely Joanne...obviously from everyone else's answers...Hal is an ass.
    Liberal or PC or NDP or PQ or Communist (Shanna) or Socialist or Green or Marijuana or.... : No idea. Right now I think I just want to be non-partisan work in a government agency.
    CPR or CNR : CPR cause I don't know the difference.
    Terry Fox or Rick Hansen : Terry Fox

    And now for the essay questions :

    Name your favourite thing about Canada : Terrorists hide here, so I doubt they'll attack us, cause they want to keep their hiding place and their gateway to the US.
    Name your LEAST favourite thing about Canada : Lack of opportunities. For one of the G8 countries, I don't feel our economy is growing as it should.
    Where were you when Donovan Bailey Beat Michael Johnston to solidify his claim as fastest man alive : I have no old was I?? Like 9. I don't remember what I was doing when I was nine.
    What is a Rouge : in French.

    Fill in the Blanks :
    __________Saskatchewan Roughriders
    __________Ottawa Rough Riders
    __________Broken Hip
    __________Fuck Yo' Momma
    __________ ____ _________ ___ _____________ Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    Well, there it is. Sorry it's late, but you said you were getting back Wednesday or Thursday. This whole Tuesday thing totally threw me off.

  5. So Here's Mine!

    Canadian Band : The Guess Who or Tragically Hip
    Canadian Movie : Strange Brew or Cube 2 : Hypercube
    Canadian Politician : Jean Charest
    Canadian Beer : Keiths or Sleemans
    Canadian Spirit (hard liquor) : Polar Ice Vodka
    Canadian CFL Team (so no Sacramento's buttheads) : Sask Riders yo!
    Canadian NHL Team : Maple Leafs
    Canadian NBA Team (Trick Question) : Raptors
    Canadian Bank : Umm RBC?

    Choose one of the choices offered :

    Lloyd Robertson or Peter Mansbridge : Pete
    Grey Cup or Stanley Cup : Grey
    Canadiens or Maple Leafs : Leafs
    CBC or CTV : CBC
    Hal Johnson or Joanne McLeod : Hal has a sexy moustache
    Liberal or PC or NDP or PQ or Communist (Shanna) or Socialist or Green or Marijuana or.... : NDP
    CPR or CNR : CNR
    Terry Fox or Rick Hansen : Rick

    And now for the essay questions :

    Name your favourite thing about Canada : The diversity of every aspect of our nation.
    Name your LEAST favourite thing about Canada : Current politics, our world image.
    Where were you when Donovan Bailey Beat Michael Johnston to solidify his claim as fastest man alive : No idea, this was a dumb question... tho I do remember it happening.
    What is a Rouge : "If the ball is kicked into the goal area by an opponent, a rouge is scored (1) when the ball becomes dead in possession of a team in its own goal area or (2) when the ball touches or crosses the deadline, or a side-line-in-goal, and touches the ground, a player, or some object beyond these lines." CFL Rulebook

    Fill in the Blanks :
    Saskatchewan Roughriders
    Ottawa Rough Riders
    Tragically Hip
    I po'kd Yo' Momma
    Charter of Rights and Freedoms
