Monday, May 09, 2005

Well I never!

Well I've received now one entry and another entry that is too big to send. I'll put them up on a page in the next few days. To you naysayers who think you can just go to 7-11 and buy some, go ahead, who needs you anyway. I'm willing to drop ridiculous amounts of money on shipping to send some lucky reader 50 cent can of pop... that's reason enough to enter. Plus once you've drank the root beer, you can return the can in Saskatchewan for like 10 cents ... so you make a profit!

Thanks by the way to all who posted on my last post.. 8 comments NEW RECORD!

I went fishing yesterday for the first time this year. I caught nothing, but my man Alex caught a few and gave them to me. So I got to gut fish all night last night! I need a new filetting knife.

1 comment:

  1. Ewwww....gutting fish!!! Sick!!!!

    Anyway, I still haven't gotten a great idea yet, but something will come to me evenutally...and before the deadline too!!!

    Anyway, you need to get my ass in gear for the Pylon. Catch me online sometime. I close every night this week except Wed. which I have all day off. And then I open on the weekend. So catch me sometime or just send me out an e-mail. I have time to work on the Pylon, I've just been spending it on playing Vice City, that's all.
