Sunday, May 15, 2005


Sometimes, I wish I wasn't right. Sometimes I could beg for hours to be wrong... just make it all not be. The LAN party was as bad as I could have described.

Number one: Remember how I hypothesised that it would smell like my high school gym shorts... well imagine what that could have smelled like, then imagine a dog peed on it, someone put it in a black garbage bag, set it in the sun for an afternoon, then opened the bag and offered you a lick. And that was when I first walked in at 6:30 on Friday... it hadn't even started yet.

Two : Some people just don't get that it's A FUCKING GAME (pardon the French MOM). Seriously, you'd be plying away and if you weren't doing what someone wanted you to, they'd shoot you in the back! (This game required teamwork, not against each other). Then in person they'd yell at you to get out of their way... despite the fact they w..... Sorry.. just a rave there... they suck. Point being it was a game.

Three : After spending 4 hours in a cigarette smoke soaked, dog pee gym short (herein referred to as dourgyort) atmosphere, I decide to leave and get some air and they chew my ass off because I'm excersising my right as a law abiding citizen to freely roam the galaxy.

Four :Stupid fucking prepubecent kids (pardon the French again).

That's about it, sorry about the rave.

Added a couple more links to the right, including one to save some dumb rabbit... like some stupid rabbit is worth $50,000.


  1. Hmmm...don't know what to say. I don't think I could spend an entire weekend at a LAN party. Maybe a night...but that's it. I'd rather have a LAN party at like the Cove (our arcade on campus) where I have access to slurpees and it's clean and there's music.

  2. I think a Lan party could be fun, in the right conditions, I'd like to go to at least one in my life, just to see how it is.

  3. Maybe I'm ancient, maybe I live under a rock... laugh all you want... I don't know what a LAN party is. :S

  4. A LAN Party is where a bunch of nerds hook their computers together and play video games against each other. LAN stands for Local Area Network.

    It's quite dreadful.

  5. Oh. Dude, if you knew it would be so awful, why would you go?

  6. Sounds like the people that you mentioned in numbers two and three just take themselves way too seriously.
