Thursday, May 19, 2005


So I got one reply from my experiment, and it was one of the two that I hoped would reply. David from Third World Country had an article on the superiority of Opera, so I figured I'd give it a try. Unfortunately I'm not impressed. Oh sure there are cool features, like the ability to right click a word and get info on it from the dictionary, encyclopedia, heck even translate it! But unfortuately, I couldn't get the Blogger interface to work, several graphics from pretty popular webapages wouldn't show up right, and I couldn't import my Firefox bookmarks into Opera. I'll keep trying David, but no promises!

Still no sign of my frisbee, make sure you e-mail me at with any clues you might have to it's whereabouts.

Shanna, I'm wokring on your advice column, it'll be up tonight, it's just such a complex issue.....

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh... yes, Blogger. heh The parochailism of the blogger coders: they shut out common web standards in the embryonic wysiwyg interface. Still in beta, it looks like. I never actually used it. html was easy enough (except for blogger's annoying tendency to introduce errors I had not coded *sigh*) and then I tripped over Zoundry's Blogwriter--designed to work with most major blog interfaces, and much better than Blogger's html or wysiwyg editors. It even uploads whatever you write with a MUCH lower incidence of "dropped posts" than blogger's own interface.

    It's still in beta as well, but remarkably useful and stable. And much, much more useful than the wysisyg editor Blogger offers. Earlier betas parsed really weird html, but the latest version is much better than some other wysiwyg editors I won't name (*cough* Microcrap's Frontpage, por ejemple *cough*). I only log onto Blogger's management tool when I want to tweak html in my template, now.

    I've not run into pages where graphic wouldn't load in Opera. Any URLs?

    Zoundry Blogwriter:

    Added plus to Blogwriter: archiving my posts offline is done as I write them. Editing/updating is a simple process, too, unlike all the dropped/duplicate/hashed up blogger updates.
