Thursday, May 05, 2005

Amazing Discovery leads to CONTEST!

Something amazing happened to me yesterday, and it took me this long to process it and figure out how to share it with my public.

How about some background.

Back in 1995, Coca Cola dropped it's long time afficliation with A&W Root Beer and picked up the amazing Barq's Root Beer. Shortly thereafter, Pepsi did the copy-cat thing and replaced the amazing and immaculate Hires Root Beer with the sub-standard Mug Root Beer. Thus a viod in my life was created.

Although I was quick to jump on the Barq's bandwagon, creating a fan site in the late 90's and replacing drinking water, milk, juice and sleep with Barq's a hole still existed, a craving if you will for an ice cold Hires.

It was indeed a bleak ice age.

I searched for years, occasionally I would think that I had chanced upon a glance, only to be disappointed that it was another brand of root beer. I wandered aimlessley trying to find comfort in sex, drugs, rap music, but nothing could fit.... I was a lost soul, a victim of corporate change.

Yesterday dawned sunny. I arrived a the bakery at 7:30 sharp and began work. Running to the back to grab my dough carts out of the fridge, I passed a pallette of soft drinks. Out of the corner of my eye I see "Hir..." a word partially obscured by shipping instructions. I couldn't beleive my eyes. I tore away the packing wrap, the tough Sran Wrap-like substance that requires the strength of ten men to break. Not today. With bare hands I freed the beverage. My journey was over.

I hoarded two cases in my bakery all day. Unable to contain my joy, I left early for home. Knowing that the beverage must be ice cold to be enjoyed, I resisted the urge to open a can and sip it immediately. I placed it in the refrigerator and walked away, deciding what to do with my miracle find. I marked the case "Chruch Root Beer, Hands Off", posted a guard dog at the fridge and warned my girlfriend that breaching the root beer case would not be a good idea.

And I waited.

I've decided that the best way to enjoy the beverage is to share it. Thus is born the first Pilot's World Contest. The prize up for grabs, one can, unopened, undrank, untampered with of Hires Root Beer, from that first case.

Can of Hires Root Beer

Indeed, this is a picture of the very can you could win. To enter, prepare something for me. Something involving Hires. Send me a drawing, a story, an essay on why you want the drink, a picture of what you would look like drinking the root beer (with some sort of stand-in for the can, say a can of shaving cream). Entries are Due June 15, 2005. I will judge the entries by appearance and effort, then will RANDOMLY select a winner from the entries. I'll then contact the winner for address and send the can along.

E-mail Entries to

Have fun and GOOD LUCK!

PS - I'd also like to announce that the old Pilot's World main site is now dissolved and the address now applies to this page, so update your bookmarks yo!


  1. If you give me the drink I'll be your friend...come on!!

  2. C'mon Andrew... you gotta be more creative than that. I am SO winnin' this thing.

  3. I've received my first entry, thanx Doré!

  4. Anonymous7:11 pm

    Oh, you just wait and see. I will take it all.

