Saturday, April 09, 2005

Pilon for Pope 2005

OK! So back to the campaign trail!

So far we've got a dead lock on the name my dad will take as the new pope. So He could be Pope Wizzy Nizzle or Pope John SHAFT (Shut yo mouf!). Any is good. If you haven't voted yet, make sure to check out the survey.

The reason I'm getting on the push again is that Steve at "Blogginator" has also announced his candidacy for pope. And we can't have that. Because my dad wants it more.


If Elected pope, my dad promises;
1) An English speaking pope, who can sing dirty songs in several languages.
2) Stories with no bearing onthe current conversation that you've heard a million times before.
3) Meatball night Tuesdays at the vatican kitchen
4) Can anybody say Saint Dave Thomas (for feeding square burgers to the worlds hungry)
5) 1 Hour Sunday morning mass will now be 4 hour Saturday night Dance for Jesus Dance Battle! Guest Stars, James Brown, Usher, those guys in the K-os videos and Roxette.
6) Movie night in St. Peters Square.

So remember when the conclave begins, vote Pilon for Pope, 'cause "you know you waaaaaannnnt it!"

1 comment:

  1. Steven Matthew Biss IV for Pope! He is the only choice! Bow down to his supreme reign!
