Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A Malicious, Intentional and Unforgiving Act of Plagarisim

I'm ripping off today's post

OK....ummm...there's a reason I don't update this...I"m not really a blogger.

OK, I got my hair's short and great. I love.

New pope elected today. Benedict the 16th. I think we should have Pope Jesus I. Why can't they be named Jesus??? Or at least Peter.

OK, that's all.

Oh, and I think I'm gonna dye my hair tonight.

Sue me.


  1. YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!! Fuck, you could at least rip off a good post, like Steve's.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I got a haircut....and since when are my posts decent?
