Thursday, February 24, 2005

One more down...

Got the SHIMA webpage done, finally. Check it out.

So now just a few small bits to clean up in other projects. Then on to a few more major projects for the not too distant future. I'm ognna be a rich millionaire rock star web designer someday.

Had 2 fucked up dreams this morning, thanks to my day off and getting to sleep in;

Fucked up Dream 1 - For some reason I start this dream on a road trip with my buddy Edward and two undisclosed kids in the back seat (I have no idea who they are). We are heading to some unkown destination, but before we get there we stop at this mall. It's late at night and Edward is heading into the drug store (a Shoppers Drug Mart) and I decide to pop in to the mall to get some new shoes as mine are soaked in grease or something and faling apart.

So I wander around this mall for a while. There are barely any stores and it's lit in this lime green light that makes everything look cheap. I decide to go down this staircase and end up in this really dingy home basement looking place with old matresses against the walls and paint chipping off the walls. A REALLY hot woman in a housecoat with big breasts comes out of a door to my left and walks down the hallway ahead of me. For some reason I get the impression that there are hair and beauty salons down here. I go down a small stair and around a corner and there is a young blong man witha soul patch there, dressed kinda faggy, like those guys on that Queer Eye show. I just say hi to him, he says hi to me, then I turn around and head back upstairs into the mall.

I wander a bit more and end up exiting the mall from another anchor store (a Staples I think). It's now daylight and I appear to be about 3-4 km form the car, despite the fact that I couldn't have covered more than 1 km in the mall. I walk down this covered concourse through the parking lot, then around the mall. This mall is HUGE, honestly this mall is way bigger than any building I've ever seen, or was indicated by the inside of the mall. It's about 5 stories high and must cover anywhere from 20-30 square blocks. So I start to run to the car because I realize how long I've been gone and I see all sorts of things, including a huge sign advertising the place I saw in the basement of the mall, I can't remember what that name was now, but it was a strip club. So the hot woman I saw was a stripper.. I shoulda dropped a few bucks and made this a wet dream. But I continued on and after a very long time, running past walls and through parks ended up at the car. Edward and I had a good laugh at my getting lost and never finding shoes in a mall and then I woke up.

Realizing it was still early in the morning, I went back to sleep and into ...

Fucked up Dream 2- In this dream it is an established fact that I own two vehicles my current car, the Beretta and my old truck, the S-15. Both are constantly breaking down, but one of them works at any one time, so it's all good. Well at the time the dream starts the Beretta is working fine, it's summer and I haven't used the truck in a while. Suddenly the car breaks down (won't start), so I need to use the truck. I go to get it and it's gone... simply not there. So I go searching.

The dream oddly enough takes place at my Grandma and Grandpa Forers house, but my Grandma and Grandpa Pilon live there (see I told you it was fucked up). I check in the garage to see if it's been moved, no luck, across the street (maybe it rolled down the driveway)... nothing. So I head to the neighbors house, which is suddenly attached to my grandparents (but not in real-life). I look in the garge window and see an old 50's style station wagon under a platform. On top of the platform is a truck.. MY TRUCK! So I run into the garage and check it out. Several body panels have been painted, but it's my truck allright.

Suddenly the homeowner shows up and is very friendly. He mentions that I seem to like the truck and offers to lower it down. So he lowers the platform (mysteriously the 50's station wagon has dissappeared) and the truck is not what it was at the top. It's changed into a Jeep, painted with a tidal wave graphic with "Ghostbusters" written on the side in 70's style font. Seeing that it's not my truck I leave dejected (but happy to have seen something ghostbusters related).

I head back to my grandparents house where he shows me a peice of paper attached to the window by the garage door (another detail not present on my actual grandparents house). I think he's telling me to call the police as the list has all the usual emergency numbers on it (Police, Fire, Ambulance etc.) , plus for some reason, my phone number and e-mail. Not any of my cousins or anything, just mine.

Grandpa then gets into a rant about this new store in town. He points to the West, where in real life all there is to see is prairie, but now there are several box stores, including one that looks suspiciously like a Wal-Mart, but ISN'T. It has some womans name, but I couldn't read which as the store was very far away (say 2-3KM). At this point I begin thinking that maybe my truck was stolen and the police caught the guy (I was in my granparent's town afterall and maybe 100 people total live there). But I get upset because I know all the info on my truck has my home address and phone number on it. At this point the dream loses coherency and I woke up.

So there... more fucked up material from my life. It truly amazes me how I can dream of places I've never been or seen (like the mall in the first dream), or make major changes to places I've been to a million times (like the window in my grandparents garage.)

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