Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Feeling - Pissed Off

Yep, but really i'm not gonna bitch, I'm gonna use it and target it to meet a goal.. yep.

Had a fucked up dream last week and I've been meaning to wite it up here, so that I can look back on this Blog in a year or two and go.. "wow what a fucked up dream"

So basically it invloves me justabout going downstairs in my house and seeing that there is massive ice build up in the stairwell, kinda like someone left a hose sunning in the attic, then it froze while leaking down the walls. This concerns me a bit, then suddenly the roof lifts like a foot off the walls and I can see into the walls and roof, like all the 2 x 4's and rafters and stuff. Te wird thing is the walls are STUFFED with clothes, Shawna's mostly... and all I can think of is, "wow that girl has too many fucking clothes." And I go to bed...just slightly concerned that the house MIGHT fall in on my in my sleep. God I get retarded dreams.

But anyway, i have to put in 15-45 mor minutes into something today.... top secret you know!


1 comment:

  1. Awww...it sucks having a bad day.

    Anyway, fucked up dreams must run in our family. How odd...
