Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Homicide 101

Ok so let me set this up for you. I went to work yesterday and at 9:00 as I was preparing to leave from work I was informed that on Moday nights I was to stay at work unitl 10 to let the cleaners out. So I was pissed off. I got home, worked out and read. I got to bed around 2:30 AM.

6:15 AM my phone rings. Being delusional and asleep I choose to ignore it. Not Shawna. It's work. Len my super religious dumbass manager decided he'd rather not come in today. Oh and his two kids that also had to work today?? They're absent too. FUCK.

So needless to say I vented on Dave, the Northwest Company Manager... and asked for a transfer back to the grocery store. I hear there's an opening in Produce. Here's hoping. He seemed very receptive.

SO FUCK I HATE MY JOB. I wonder how many times that's written in a blog. Oh and when Len did show up it was 1hr 45 minutes later than he promised. Instead of leaving at 2, I left at 3. Fucker.

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